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Month: May 2019

May 20, 2019


A regular dental visit consists of two parts; checkup and cleaning. During your appointment, the dentist will carefully examine your teeth and gums for signs of decay or infection. They will then examine your tongue, cheeks, mouth, head, and neck to check for any signs of swelling and redness. They will remove any tartar buildup with a special scaling tool and ensure there are no lingering traces of it. Following that, the dentist will clean your teeth thoroughly.

As you can see, a regular dentist visit can be very important. The recommendation is that you visit your dentist at least twice a year to ensure your teeth are in good health. We recommend regular visits because:

  • It helps keep teeth and gums healthy.
  • It helps to spot signs of decay and infection early.
  • It helps to spot signs of serious health conditions like cancer early.
  • It helps to keep your teeth clean and strong.
  • It can help you avoid loss of natural teeth.

Without regular visits to the dentist, you can potentially miss the initial signs of tooth decay or other oral problems. Such conditions may continue getting worse without treatment which may lead to pain and require a visit to the dentist. That’s why regular visits are necessary.

If you want to learn more about routine dental checkups, contact us at Toronto Beach Dental.

-Dr. Jay Rabinovich

Posted in Blog by Jade
May 7, 2019


Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures at Toronto Beach Dental. It is a simple and quick process that can lighten your teeth by several shades in a matter of weeks. Here are some of the benefits of teeth whitening. 

  1. Your Smile Is More Attractive

Yellowed and stained teeth can be off-putting and make you hesitate to smile. Teeth whitening will help remove these stains and give you the confidence needed to handle various public situations.

  1. You’ll Create The Right Impression On Others

Most people don’t know that even with healthy teeth and good dental hygiene, people can have yellow or stained teeth. They believe that people with discoloured teeth have poor dental hygiene. This first impression from others can be harmful to your self-esteem. This can also be particularly harmful in a professional setting too.

  1. Makes You Look More Youthful

People with beautiful white teeth appear more youthful. Your smile can draw attention away from facial lines and wrinkles, making your face appear much younger. White teeth can be a sign of youth, which makes your appearance more appealing.

If you want whiter and more attractive teeth, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with us at Toronto Beach Dental, located in the Toronto Beaches area.

-Dr. Jay Rabinovich

Posted in Blog by Jade