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Taking The Edge Off…

March 15, 2016
Anxiety in the dental chair is nothing new. Innovations in dentistry have brought the profession so far forward that 99% of procedures should be pain and stress free. Still, for some, it’s difficult to relax when they’re in the office. Maybe rough experiences as a child, or issues with needles, linger and make going to the dentist more difficult that it needs to be. An option to consider is Nitrous Oxide, better known as ‘Laughing Gas’ . In a nutshell, laughing gas is inhaled through the nose during the appointment and creates a floating feeling that relaxes you. Generally it is in addition to freezing but can help out if you absolutely don’t want an injection. You’re awake the whole time and, when the appointment is over, you are placed on oxygen until you’re entirely clear headed. You don’t need anyone else to bring you to or take you from the office. It’s important to know it’s around if you need it. Speak to your dentist to see if it’s right for you and that there isn’t anything in your medical history that doesn’t allow you to have it.
Dr. Jay Rabinovich
Posted in Blog by Jade