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Passport Required

June 28, 2017
Dental tourism – sounds like a holiday for dentists right? In actuality, it is when individuals seek dental care outside of their local healthcare systems. Although, they may add a vacation onto their itinerary as a bonus! 

The choice of dental tourism is usually driven by price considerations. As techniques, materials and technological advancements spread, it drives overall competition. Usually individuals go to underdeveloped countries, as their prices are the lowest. For example, U.S. citizens living in Arizona or California can easily cross the border and seek treatment in Mexico, which can save them thousands of dollars. According to the Toronto Star, a large portion of dental tourists are Americans, however the second largest group are Canadians! Their thoughts are that their trip is paid off with their long term savings from lower dental care prices. For retirees who do not have any dental coverage – this is even more appealing! 

Quality over price? Remember not every dentist is equivalent in treatment, technique and patient care. Trusting in the Canadian Health Care system and it’s standards is a good safe guard. When travelling and receiving treatment in developing countries, you expose yourself to many risks. At Toronto Beach Dental we offer various financial options to help with treatment costs. Consider saving yourself the trip and talk to us about dental treatment at Toronto Beach Dental first. 
– Dr. Jay Rabinovich
Posted in Blog by Jade