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The New Wave of Digital

September 11, 2017
Digital radiography is an important component to a dental office. Dentists use radiography to get a better picture of your oral health, the structure of your teeth and look to prevent any problems from developing. It has a very important job! Unfortunately, radiography sometimes has a bad reputation for being uncomfortable or dangerous for radiation exposure. At Toronto Beach Dental, you don’t have to worry about either of those problems! Over the past few years, a newer type of digital radiography has emerged, using phosphorus plates. This is what we have implemented at our dental practice. The plates that are used in this process are thinner than traditional film. The processing of the image works similar to that of film. The bonus is the comfort level for patients – no wires or cables when capturing of the image. We are staying on top of the new wave of the latest technology, while taking care of our patient’s comfort. If you haven’t had any radiographs done in a few years, it may be a good time to check into Toronto Beach Dental! We look forward to seeing you! 
– Dr. Jay Rabinovich 
Posted in Blog by Jade